We are here today to introduce to you the newest members to our Minutemen Ministries Team – John and Danielle Pound.
It’s so wonderful to have you on our team as full-time members! First of all, tell us how you met each other.
[John] Well, we met in Bible college; it was my junior year, her senior year. We were drama players together and that’s basically how we met.
Now, Danielle, what jobs did you have, before you were married (especially in Lancaster)?
[Danielle] My first job out of highschool, I was a care-giver and I worked with a down-syndrome child for about a year-and-a-half. After that I did a little bit of being a part of a clean-up crew at my church in Lancaster. And then I did daycare for another year, that God miraculously provided that job. And then my final job I had before moving out to Wisconsin and being a part of Minutemen Ministries, was being secretary at Lancaster Baptist Church.
And John, when did you first travel for Minutemen?
[John] My first time was the Spring of 2014 and I travelled with the WAR. And then I travelled two tours with Dr. Jim with Special Forces Fall 2014 and then Spring 2015.
And where did you grow up?
[John] I grew up in Ocala, FL.
[Danielle] I grew up in Lancaster, CA.
And do you feel that God has called you to a certain area, like a United States city or a certain people group?
[John] It’s funny that you ask that! I joke with Danielle and I’ll say, “The world’s too big to stay in one place forever.” And I feel like honestly we’re just called to help any church wherever that may lead us – wherever the Lord takes us. And that’s why we’re going into evangelism.
So, what exactly will you be doing for Minutemen Ministries?
[John] We will be leading the War Blitz team which is Army Delta Force vs. Marine Raiders. It’s two-team. Primarily it’s going to be in churches without a Christian school. We will usually be ministering in just a youth group, and the dynamic will be very similar to the War with a few minor adjustments.
Is that different than what Dr. Jim does?
[John] It would be very similar to what Dr. Jim is already doing. We joke, the differences will be, we would say, the “coat of paint”. So, colors are different; teams are different. We will have some different dynamics…we have some different types of posters. So instead of general posters, we are going to have very specific towards the team itself. So instead of just having a ton of marine posters, we will have as many specific marine raiders posters, those kind of things.
So if you could live anywhere in the United States, where would you live?
That is a good question! I would live in the center of God’s will, which for us right now is Menomonee Falls, WI. My favorite city in the United States is New York. I would love to live in New York, and I don’t know how practical that would be at the end of the day for evangelism – getting a truck and trailer back and forth. But if there was someway to base out of a place near there, I would.
That’s very interesting! Well, thank you so much for your time and letting us know a little bit more about you! We look forward to what God is going to do with your new ministry!