It was great to be back in Atchison, KS for our 3rd Cola-Clash at Carol Baptist Church. Every time we’ve been here, God has worked in incredible ways that were truly “above all we could ask or think.” This time really was no different. Although there were some minor challenges along the way, all-in-all there was complete liberty from start to finish. Over the three nights about 150 teenagers came out with a high night of 102! 20+ accepted the Lord as their Savior! We praise God for such an outpouring of His Spirit.
Several teens were there that had been to all three Cola-Clashes spanning 6 years! I approached a couple of teens about their salvation one night and they replied, “We got saved at the last Cola-Clash!” That was thrilling to hear. God knit our hearts together with the hearts of the Pastor and people to ask God for remaining fruit from this Cola-Clash. I was glad to see how the church folks were really latching onto their responsibility/opportunity to be a part of the discipleship process. Many kids that come to an event like this already go to other churches in the area. But, undoubtedly God would have some of these young people to get into this local church. We are praying toward that end.
Being the third Cola-Clash, we went into it with a tie since Pepsi won the first Cola-Clash and Coke won the second. Although Coke fought hard, they just couldn’t pull out a win over Pepsi. Looking back on it, we realized that it all came down to one tug over the mudpit. What a fitting way to decide a Cola-Clash!
The teenagers had great spirits all week long. I mentioned minor challenges. One was a rainstorm that never came (only a few sprinkles) and one was a new location for the competitions on Thursday night due to some construction that was going on on the property. Of course, whenever you are transporting 100 teenagers to a park and back you run the risk of not getting all of the teenagers back to the church for the final assembly and preaching. We made this a serious matter of prayer and God abundantly answered. We bused them back-and-forth without a problem. It really made the night more enjoyable and exciting for the teenagers. The teens were attentive and responsive to the preaching. Praise the Lord!
We now are back in Arkansas for a Revival/VBS. Pray for God’s power here this week!