"Hey, have you heard about the War of Special Forces?" This question has been presented to thousands of teenagers in the last twenty years. Perhaps, you wonder what it is! The War of Special Forces was piloted in 1994 and began in 1996. For over twenty years now the team has conducted this ministry in over 100 local churches with Christian schools.
So, what is it?
War of Special Forces is a youth focused ministry.
The War of Special Forces is geared to teenagers from grades 7-12th. The young people are divided into three teams – Incredible Rangers, Super Seals, and Mighty Marines. Each team is led by one of our team members who is either a student or graduate of a conservative Christian college.
The War of Special Forces is geared for a local church and its affiliated Christian school. There is a chapel every day in the morning as well as another afternoon period where either competition or team meetings take place. There are also three rally nights that are evangelistic.
The War of Special Forces uses intense camp-type competition. Imagine volleyball or basketball with a four foot in diameter ball or how about bowling with a four foot bowling ball and three and a half foot high bowling pins. All these competitions are teen tested and are a blast!
War of Special Forces is a revival focused ministry.
Many Christian school young people have allowed sin issues to quench the Spirit and thus the Life of Christ within them. Dealing with those sin issues Biblically and thoroughly means that young people will experience the reviving work of God in their lives!
The War of Special Forces depends on the preaching of the Word to break “the rock in pieces”. We trust the Spirit to wield His sword to spiritually convict teens of their sin and unbelief so they will turn to the Lord who can cleanse, restore and enable!
Each day the War of Special Forces team meets to pray for the needs at hand. We recognize our need first to be in tune with God and His Word and then our need for God to enable us to do His Work. We are thrilled when others can join us.
War of Special Forces is an evangelistic ministry.
The War of Special Forces has three evening rallies on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings that are designed to reach lost teenagers in your community or in your school with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is still “the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth”!
The team captains will go into the community and recruit area teens to come to the three evening rallies. They also will encourage their team members to invite their friends. The team’s burden is to see area teens come under the sound of the Gospel and to trust Christ!
The rallies start with two camp-type competitions. After those events the participants come inside for refreshments, skits, scoring and a salvation testimony from a team member. After that the team evangelist will preach a 25 minute Gospel message and give an invitation.
War of Special Forces is a faith-based ministry.
The team does not require a set amount to come. We are fine with whatever you can do and we mean that! We really do want to live by faith in this area just as much as in others.
For those who would like a ball park figure, we suggest about $1,200 to cover travel and other expenses. We recognize that some can do more and others cannot do that much.
The Van Gelderens do not draw a salary from the suggested honorarium. They derive their substance from love offerings taken during adult services during the week.
The Van Gelderens
Jim Van Gelderen has been in youth evangelistic work for over 30 years. He travels with his wife Rhonda. Their three daughters are graduated from Bible college and serving the Lord in ministry, and the oldest is married.
Dr. Jim, as he is often called, travels with a team that conducts the War of Special Forces every fall and every other spring (odd year springs – ’21, ’23, ’25, etc.).
Schedule the War of Special Forces.
If you are interested in having the team, you can contact our scheduler and work on coordinating your calendar choice and the team’s availability.
Scheduling Contact
Rebekah Cook
(414) 397-1437
The team travels in a geographical pattern.
Fall 2019, 2022, 2025
Midwest, East, Southeast or Mid-South
Fall 2020, 2023, 2026
West to Southwest
Fall 2021, 2024, 2027
East to Southeast
Southeast to East or moving West
Or, if you would like us to get with you on the available weeks, fill out the form and we’ll get in touch.