I have lost track of the times we have had the privilege of coming to Faith Baptist Church in Deltona, FL. The Herchenroders have been such a blessing, and we are thankful for their friendship. A few years ago another friend, Mike Foster, joined the staff here. As a result, we always enjoy coming to Deltona and catching up with each of them.
The week was a battle, but we were so encouraged with what the Lord did on that final night. There was no doubt God was working in many hearts!
On Saturday, two of the team captains went out to do some recruiting. Joshua, the Marine team captain, saw five young men on a basketball court and told them about the rally nights. All five came out on Wednesday night and really got involved. The leader of the five responded to the invitation on Wednesday night, also encouraging one of his friends to respond as well, and both were saved that night! Joshua also talked to a mom at a park who had two twin boys. They came out every night, each night bringing new friends. One of the twins and a couple of the friends were saved this week!
One young man in the Christian school responded to the invitation after chapel on Thursday. He admitted to several different sin issues in his life. Caleb asked him if he had ever made a salvation decision. He had not, so Caleb went through several Scripture passages to make sure he understood the Gospel clearly. He then bowed his head right there to depend on Christ to save him.
Joshua was able to talk to a young man in the Christian school who admitted that he was letting friends at school influence him to do wrong things. He had started cursing because it was “cool”, and his language and words had really changed to the point that he would say bad words without thinking. As God worked in his heart this week, he was encouraged to learn that God could still use him, and that deliverance from wrong habits comes only from complete dependence on Jesus!
A young lady in the Christian school listened to the preaching all week long but had not responded. In the middle of the testimony service on Friday, she went back and asked to talk to someone. She admitted that she was bitter because of circumstances in her life and that of her family. Rebekah was able to show her from the Bible how God could set her free from bitterness and find healing. The young lady prayed right then to let go of her bitterness, and the joy on her face was evident.
Another young man in the Christian school who had a painful childhood admitted that there was a lot in his life that he was using to cope with all the hurt. This week, he chose to give it all to God and begin trusting Him to start the healing process in His life.
One young lady in the Christian school admitted that she had some things in her life that she was keeping from her parents. She talked to Emma and Rebekah for counsel during the week and gave the following testimony on Friday night:
“I’ve had this burden on me. And I didn’t want to tell my parents, you know, because I thought they would hate me and they wouldn’t love me anymore. But they pushed me to tell my parents…because God loves every one of us, and He will forgive every one of us. I told my parents Wednesday night, and they forgave me. They didn’t say anything except say “we love you.” They forgave me, and Jesus can too.”
Another young lady was struggling with believing that God could use her. She made the choice to believe God’s promises and said in her testimony:
“…for the longest time, I felt like the Lord couldn’t use me because of things I’ve done in the past and…she showed me that God can still use me, and all of His promises. And it was really helpful. And I feel like God can use me.”
Danielle, the Ranger team co-captain, was able to counsel a young lady in the school who was very hurt and bitter against her dad for leaving their family. Danielle shared Matthew 5:44 with her and asked her a lot of questions to think on. She told the young lady to pray about what God wanted her to do. She made the decision to pray for her dad to be saved. She gave a testimony on Friday evening:
“Ever since the day he left me, I felt like I had no emotion at all. I just…tried covering up the pain by fake smiling at everybody. I just tried covering it up. Because of the pain, I always just cried to myself to sleep sometimes…I thought…I wasn’t important. I thought I was useless to this world, I thought I should end my life…I thought I was a mistake to everybody. But I wasn’t. It was Satan who was holding me down with these chains. One day, while….the War of Special Forces team was preaching, I just thought to myself, ‘Maybe I should go tell one of them, and let it all out again.’ So I did. And then I felt free again.”
Below are a couple other testimonies that were an encouragement:
“…I’ve just started straying away from [my parents] and…I haven’t been listening to them, I haven’t been doing what they ask, I’ve been rebellious. And it’s really hurt me a lot, my walk with God. I don’t want it anymore. And this week all the sermons that Dr Jim preached, and for the sessions that I’ve had with Josh, our team leader, and all the testimonies given…it’s made me really want to do this…[this has] put me through anxiety, depression, and…I’m just tired of it all. It’s been on too long, and I’m finally letting go. And if this is the will that God wants to use to help me, let it be.”
“Today we had a split session with the guys and…there was a message preached about standing firm for Christ, and that’s something that I sadly have not been doing. And I made the decision today to…stand firm, be more bold for Christ. And with God’s help, I can do that.”
“…she told me that I needed to stop living for myself and writing my own story, and that I should give God the pen and let Him write my story, and I haven’t been letting Him do that. And this book God did not hold the pen for it. And I just want everyone to know that God can forgive you and that you should give your pen back to God because He’s the only One that can deliver you from your sin and forgive you.”
Praise the Lord for all He did this week!