Dr. Kent Ramler is the pastor of People’s Baptist Church in Frederick, MD. I remember when Kent was in high school, and I was his youth pastor for a short time. Kent has since gotten his doctorate, taught college courses, and been in pastoral work in two churches. It is always a blessing to work with Pastor Ramler. I will admit though, that when I am with him, I am reminded how fast time moves!
One young man was in teen Sunday School, but did not attend the Christian school. Matthew, the Ranger team captain, was able to invite him to come out to the evening rallies. After one of the evening rallies, I asked him a few questions, and it became evident that he was clearly unsaved. I mentioned this to the team on Friday after a prayer meeting, and told them to look out for him as he was wearing red shoes and needed to be saved. On Friday night, the invitation was given, but the young man did not respond. He was sitting in the back, though, and someone on the team noticed the red shoes. After the rally night closed, Matthew was able to take him aside and ask him some key questions. When asked if he was sure that he was saved from all of this sins, he replied that he was about 90% sure. He was willing for Matthew to show him how he could be 100% sure. It seemed that he was basing his salvation on his works, but as Matthew read Romans 4:5, he had a lightbulb moment. He realized it wasn’t his works, but dependence on Jesus alone that could save him. He said he did not want to pray right then, but would wait until he was home around family later. Matthew emphasized about the uncertainty of life and the reality of hell, and he almost came to tears. Right then, he placed his dependence in Christ and was gloriously saved! He was thrilled to hear the verses on assurance that Matthew shared with him.
Stephanie, the Seal team co-captain recruited a young man from the middle school on Tuesday. He came on Wednesday night along with three friends. One of the young men responded right away to the invitation. The other three raised their hands, acknowledging that they were not saved, but did not move during the invitation. Hunter, the Seal team captain, tapped them on the shoulder and encouraged them to respond. All four were saved that night! One of the young men’s mother came to pick up the four young men. While she was waiting for them to finish being counseled, Rhonda was able to go through the gospel with her, and she was saved as well! One of the young men immediately had a burden for his dad to get saved. He shared a testimony of what God had done for him on Friday night:
“My heart like opened to Jesus. I know Him now, and it makes me very happy because I know He is the only One Who can save me from sin and goin’ to hell.”
God also worked in the hearts of two young men from the Christian school. They responded to the invitation during the week and got some things right with God and their parents. Below are parts of their testimonies:
“You can’t just be a leader while hiding sin. And it was a while ago…something happened…that I didn’t go to God. I went to different stuff… And I hid it from my parents and I got right with God, but it just stayed with me until I finally…today actually…God helped me…gave me the courage to go talk to my mom and get it right with her. And I thank God…”
“I’m supposed to be a leader, but…some things have been getting in the way of me being the true spiritual leader that I’m supposed to be. When I was in third grade, I got saved… But then…I got into some things because I got with some bad friends and…it started me down a trail in which I didn’t read the Word for like a year or two years. So…this year God has really been convicting me to get back into God’s Word and I…ended up talking to Hunter and I talked with my parents about what I had been doing and…I’ve actually been getting back into God’s Word recently.”