Special Forces – Lancaster, CA

Jim Van GelderenSpecial Forces Updates

This is the first time our team has had the privilege of being at Lancaster Baptist Schools. The staff was so helpful, and the students were responsive to the team from the start. We had a great week. Over 110 teens made decisions, and their testimonies were great.

On Thursdays, the three team captains speak to their team. One of the teams had every team member but two stay to deal with something God was dealing with them about. It was a joy to see many teens responsive to the Lord. There were tears, and lives were touched!

One young lady that is normally shy prayed out loud during an invitation corporate prayer time. Here is a part of her testimony,

“I wasn’t going to come up here, but then I started to get up and I was like, ‘Oh! Ok, guess I will be!’ So, I got up here and I started praying and I just…I felt that God was just hugging me and was like, ‘You need to pull that ring out [a reference to a message of the fear of man]. You just need to start talking. You need to share the Gospel. You need to tell others about the Gospel.’ And…He just…He…it was so strong. And then last night when Dr. Jim said, ‘Any teens want to pray, if they felt it then just pray.’ I just started praying and it was just…it was amazing because I don’t normally do that stuff. . . . If any of you are struggling with that and you’re just like, ‘Oh, I don’t know if I should get up’, or even if right now you are struggling with it, get in line, tell your testimony. Pray, don’t be afraid about stuff because after I just felt a joy! So happy!”

Here are some additional testimonies. There were over 45 minutes of testimonies, so we could only choose a sampling.

“I got right with Mrs. Jones and I got right with my mom. Right after I got right, I felt so much joy! I mean, I’ve…I’ve been happy before. I’ve gone to Mulligan’s and I’ve gone to SO many…I have SO many times! But it’s that one moment where you know that happiness is SO different from joy. The only thing you can get joy from is from God. God is the only person who will ever give you joy. Not Mulligan’s, not some ‘family fun stop’ or anything. It’s God! And it’s truly amazing.”

“I would also like to thank Paul for giving his testimony. It really spoke to me how he was struggling really about a year ago and now he’s like all changes and on fire for God. And I would like to thank him that he kept us yesterday because if he did not, I don’t think I would’ve apologized and told my parents. I think I would’ve just gone home and not changed and done the same thing I’ve always done, just get by. And…I’d like to thank him for doing that. And now, like I’ve said, I’ve a joy and a peace after apologizing to my parents and the stuff I’ve hid from them.”

“I need to stop worrying about what man thinks about me. That doesn’t matter. It matters what God thinks about me.”

“The message that really spoke out to me actually wasn’t in the chapel service, it was actually in the…Wednesday night service – the 0/100 principle. Because honestly, me along with a lot of other people, we’re so weak. And we don’t have our own strength and we have to…I’m willing to fully depend on God because I don’t have enough strength on my own.”

It was a blessing to be at LBS. The atmosphere of the church is one of evangelism and discipleship, and I was stirred by the faith in the Gospel that is lived there!

About the Author

Jim Van Gelderen

Dr. Jim Van Gelderen is president of Minutemen Ministries, vice-president of Baptist College of Ministry, and evangelist out of Falls Baptist Church. He and his wife, Rhonda, travel the country in evangelism. They have three daughters.