In 1981, I traveled leading a college ensemble. For whatever reason, I remember coming to Central Baptist Church in Ocala. Little did I know, I would have the privilege of preaching here many times. This year, we did more than usual. I preached a Sunday through Thursday revival meeting for the church. I also ran the War of Special Forces during the day for the Christian school. John Pound, who is training with the team, led the evening rallies and preached in three junior high chapels. My wife conducted children meetings during the revival services. Wow! It was a busy week!
John Pound is presently in training and will be launching a new Minutemen Ministries team using the theme of War Blitz. Lord willing, he will launch this fall! John is a graduate of Ocala Christian Academy. He came to this school as an atheist, but got saved and called to preach here at this church and school. It was neat to see him in action at his home church and school!
There was a good response in the junior high to the preaching of God’s Word. In the high school, we believe the Lord was working, but it was more of a lock down. One young man in high school did respond on Friday and with tears said that God was working on him since Monday chapel. I believe that God was working in every service.
One young man responded to the invitation after the evening rally. Aaron, the Seal team captain, counseled him about his salvation. He prayed to be saved that night! When Aaron asked him how he felt when he walked out the door to go get saved, he said, “I was really happy because I was going to go get saved!”
Another young man from the Christian school came back for counseling about an hour after the invitation. He was broken over his sin. Joshua, the Marine team captain, was able to talk with him for awhile about his unsaved parents. The young man made a commitment to start reading his Bible and to go to church with his brother. He also started talking about his words and actions at school. He wanted to change the way he treated his classmates. After praying about this, he went over to a classmate (who was also getting counsel) and apologized to him. This other young man had a difficult family situation and was struggling to live for Christ. He was holding on to hurts from other students and friends who had caused anger and bitterness in his life. He wanted to take a stand for Christ at school, but felt very alone. After the two young men got right with each other, John was able to challenge them both to take a stand for Jesus together. Joshua and John then had a quick prayer meeting with them. Later that afternoon, one of them told John, “This is the first day I’ve sat at a lunch table and not heard bad words being used or people tearing each other down.” He was excited to see how God was already answering prayer!
We praise the Lord for all He did this week!