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Special Forces | Sheridan, MI | September 15-20, 2019

Beth Haven Baptist Church is like going home! We had the privilege of going there first in the 2000s. I believe we have returned every three years. I have also had the privilege of preaching several revival meetings there. The folks there are like church family. Pastor Kevin Crowell is doing a great job. The church is full Sunday morning and Sunday night!

Josh, the Seal team captain, was recruiting at the high school. He met a young man who was not very interested at first, but listened to the spiel. He showed up to the rally on Wednesday night, and Craig led him to the Lord!

One young man in the Christian school had a tender heart and responded to the Lord’s working in his heart this week. He admitted he was hiding sin, and took the steps to get right. After uncovering his sin, he started seeking God’s will and dedicated his life to God. He said in his testimony:

“…before this week I was living the way I wanted. I was saved; I knew I was going to heaven. But, I was living just like any other sinner. I wasn’t afraid to die because I knew I would go to heaven. But I was ashamed to die…because I was living a complete train wreck. And I got right with my parents; I told them everything since I was twelve – and there was a lot of things. So I completely surrendered. I asked our team captain, ‘How can I know God’s will for my life?’ And he said, ‘God doesn’t show everything to us, because it’s just His plan. He shows us step by step.’ I’m taking that first step.”

One young lady in the school talked to Emma, the Ranger team co-captain, after school one day. She knew that she needed to get something right with her mom, but she was scared and didn’t know what to do. She wrote her mom a note, and finally gave it to her! After the testimony service on Friday, she came up to Emma with tears in her eyes saying that she had given the note to her mom. She was so thankful that she had done it and was so grateful for Emma’s help.

Another young lady in the Christian school admitted that she struggled with being consistent with her devotions. Rebekah, the Marine team co-captain, encouraged her to depend on God’s strength to do what she knew she needed to do. She gave a testimony on Friday evening:

“…you have to have total dependence on God for the small things and the large things in life. Put all your dependence because it’s impossible, it’s really impossible to do this Christian life – to do anything – without God.”

A young man in the Christian school responded to the invitation after the message on bitterness. He had hidden sin in his life that he knew he needed to deal with along with other hurtful situations in his life. He talked to his mom and got everything right. Craig, the Marine team captain, challenged him about his walk with God and about spending time with Jesus. There was freedom on his face after he got right with his mom!

Below are some other testimonies that were shared on Friday evening:

“…I was just afraid most of my life and yesterday I learned not to be afraid and I got saved yesterday night in my bed.”

“…He can take someone who is so emotionally and spiritually broken, literally broken… Four years ago I stood right there, and I had a garbage bag full of trash that was ruining my life. And Lord willing—Lord depending—it’s still in that fire. I never pulled it out. It’s because of God’s grace that I was able to do that.”

“…last War of Special Forces … God worked in my heart, and I got some things right. But I was afraid. I was afraid that I couldn’t live the Christian life. Truthfully, I couldn’t on my own. Last year, I went to Cola Clash [Thee Generation Youth Summit at Falls Baptist Church in Menomonee Falls, WI], and God completely did a makeover on my life. He completely made me a new person in Christ. I used to not be the testimony I should have been. I was a hypocrite in many areas. And I’m living proof that a Christian can hide sin very well. But God touched my heart. Since Cola Clash, God’s been working in my heart extremely… I put my complete trust in Christ; I’ve surrendered to His will, and He’s given me the courage and the ability to do some amazing wonderful things. I’ve been about to witness to people; I’ve been able to hand out tracts; I’ve been a testimony. I used to not have a good relationship with my siblings, and now I do—it is only glory to God. So I stand here before you today, that has gotten right, and now I’m a year down the road. And God is still good; God never fails. He helps me daily. It is amazing to walk with God. You don’t have to fall back into sin because God is right there to catch you. He can pull you along, He can hold your hand. So I encourage those that maybe are afraid that you can’t keep it up, remember, you can’t but God can. Don’t not make the decision just because you don’t think you can keep it, because you’re not keeping it anyways. Rely on God, and He will do the impossible in your life.”

About the Author

Jim Van Gelderen

Dr. Jim Van Gelderen is president of Minutemen Ministries, vice-president of Baptist College of Ministry, and evangelist out of Falls Baptist Church. He and his wife, Rhonda, travel the country in evangelism. They have three daughters.

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