At the beginning of the year, I received a call from Bible Baptist Church in Terre Haute, IN. We had never been to this school, so it was with interest I began to discuss with the principal the possibility of going there in the coming school year. We settled on a date in late August. When we arrived, we were thrilled to find a vibrant church led by a 31-year-old pastor. The pastor, Kevin Szwarga, is the son of parents I knew some 40 years ago. His mother and I went to the same Christian school and his father went to church close to mine. Yes, it is a small world!
The week turned out to be a highlight. God worked in many of the student’s lives and we had over 20 salvation decisions mostly from teens that were invited from the surrounding community. Here are some accounts of what the Lord did that I trust will encourage your heart!
One young man came out to the evening rallies. He responded to the invitation that night and was saved! Paul and Dolly, the Seal team captain and co-captain, were able to connect with his mom that night. On Friday night, his sister responded to the invitation, and Dolly was able to lead her to the Lord! Praise the Lord that their whole family showed up to church on Sunday! The young man shared in his testimony:
“I have stolen and done bad things. And God has saved me from that. And I was going to hell but now I’m going to Heaven and I want to thank God for that.”
One young man came out to the first rally night, did not want to participate in the competition, and would barely talk. The only time he cracked a slight smile was during the skit. He came back the next night, in spite, and got more involved. It was exciting to see him respond to the invitation and get saved. He said in his testimony:
“I got saved. I really didn’t know where I was going. I really didn’t. I felt that if… I kept doing bad stuff I would go to a bad place. But, as soon as I got saved, I knew straight to where I was going.”
On Friday night, the team definitely could sense that there was a spiritual battle going on. Many young people responded to the invitation, but there were several young people that were still holding out. The youth pastor was going to close the meeting, but felt led to continue the invitation. As he continued to encourage the young people to respond, several more went inside for counseling. Praise the Lord for saving young people this week!
Several young people in the Christian school also got broken over their sin. After getting free, they got desperate to see victory in their lives. One young man wanted to deepen his walk with the Lord, and began to spend considerable time with God each day. Another young man who had struggled with bitterness against his dad who said that he didn’t want him, said in his testimony:
“…the preacher talked about bitterness and how it can consume your life and cause you to go down the wrong path and I decided to forgive him for everything he had done to … me and … to the ones that I love and to … get that right in my life.”
Another young person from the Christian school said:
“I was dealing with a sin in my life… I tried my own ways. I’ve tried fasting… I’ve tried praying…I tried in my own power to overcome it. Not in God’s power, I tried in my own way. And let me tell you, you’re only going to get victory [when] you do it God’s way not your way.”