This is the third time our team has been at Faith Baptist Church in Fort Pierce, FL. Each time was have appreciated the support and enthusiasm of the leadership about our being there.
The first night of the War of Special Forces we had a smaller crowd than anticipated, but when I gave the invitation for salvation, two young men responded. When I sat down with them to review the Gospel, they both were in tears. I was stirred to see them weep their way to Jesus. One young man was an atheist. I was told that in Christian school he would debate for evolution against creation. That night the Holy Spirit definitely was at work. Amazingly, one of our team captains that night gave his testimony of being raised an atheist and then getting saved at a Christian school. Although none of the team knew of this young man’s professed atheism, the Lord did and He used the testimony to arrest his attention.
The second night of the meeting, another young man in the school was saved as well as a couple of others. The third night more young people were saved.
The final day of the meeting, we began to see evidences that the Lord was indeed working in hearts. A few responded to the invitation who had made decisions that week and wanted them to be lasting. A young lady told one of our co-captains that God was working in her heart. Another young lady told someone that the these were the most powerful youth meetings she had ever attended. She expressed that God had worked in her life. Another young lady was thrilled because the testimony of one of the captains, who doubted his salvation, impacted her and helped her understand how to get assurance of salvation by looking to Jesus.
We are grateful for all the Lord did in hearts. We look forward to hearing of God’s continued working.