Beth Haven Baptist Church is located in a rural area in the Greenville, MI area. Pastor Crowell has faithfully served there for years. His father was pastor before him. It is an exciting church and souls are a focus of the ministry. It is also an easy place to preach. Folks eagerly hear the preaching of the Word.
In 2004 the team came to Beth Haven Baptist Church for the first time. Since that time the team has been back every three years. This year was the second highest attendance of the four meetings we have had. Many teenagers came and I believe it was around 30 teens who responded to the Gospel invitation.
A few days before the team arrived a young man who rode the bus at Beth Haven was tragically drowned in a river near his home. Two of his cousins attended and got saved. One of them testified that whenever she heard about dying she would push it aside thinking, “I won’t be one that dies young.” After the tragedy she came to the meeting and realized that she could die young and she responded to be saved. It was a blessing to hear her testimony on Friday night at the campfire service.
In the school during the week, I noticed many young ladies were responding to the preaching of the Word. Although I was grateful for their responsiveness, I was burdened for the young men. On Friday evening, the Lord led me to preach a message on the “Fear of Man”. When I gave the invitation I was thrilled to see not only the lost respond, but also the saved. That night I talked with several young men, who were saved, but God had convicted them of their fear of others. When I talked with them as a group, I asked them, “Is the fear of man a public sin or a private one?” They responded, “Public.” I challenged them that if it was public, they should be willing to get it right publically. Three of them gave a testimony on Sunday night!