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Special Forces Week #7 Kent, WA

I had been telling our team for a while how beautiful Mount Rainer was in Washington State.  The mountain is easily seen on a clear day from Galilee Baptist Church in Kent, WA.  The amazing thing was that we never saw it in seven days of being there!  It was either overcast, raining or clouds covered the mountain.  Thankfully, the Lord was working in spite of the weather.  Pastor Steve Hicks is doing a great job there at Galilee Baptist Church and we thoroughly enjoyed praying and working with him during this week of ministry.

On Thursday night a young man showed up who said his nick name was “Busman”.  The nickname evidently was given to him after he was hit by a school bus!  He came and did a great job helping his team win that night.  After the message, he responded to the invitation.  As I was giving him the Gospel I referred to the fact that he understood the mortality of life since he knew he could have perished in that bus accident.  After some time his team captain led him to the Lord!

During the week of chapel, it was not evident if the message was getting through or if there was conviction.  On Wednesday a few students responded to deal with bitterness.  On Thursday a few more responded to deal with hidden sin.  On Friday, most of the students responded to either deal with some sin issues or to express their burden to see the Lord enable them to keep their decisions.  I opened it up for the students to pray prayers of dependence.  I call them “God, I need you” prayers.  As student’s prayed there was a tenderness and brokenness.  Afterwards several of them really got some things settled.

On Friday several young people told of how the Lord was working in their lives.  One young man told me he was overflowed with joy after he called a friend and confessed lying to him.  Another student told me he deleted a bunch of music off his ipod that his parents would not have wanted him to have.  On young man was looking at things on the Internet and lying to parents about it.  On Thursday he got that right with them and gave them his ipod which he was using to access the filth.

It was encouraging to see the Lord work in so many of the students’ lives.  Pray that they will continue to look to the Lord for His grace.

About the Author

Jim Van Gelderen

Dr. Jim Van Gelderen is president of Minutemen Ministries, vice-president of Baptist College of Ministry, and evangelist out of Falls Baptist Church. He and his wife, Rhonda, travel the country in evangelism. They have three daughters.

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