Four years ago our team came to Cornerstone Baptist Church and Christian School to conduct the War of Special Forces. I remember that the evening rallies had a good number of area teens attend. This year was no exception. Again, a good number of teens from the community came each night. But that was not the only blessing. We also were encouraged with the responsiveness of many students to God’s working in their heart. There was a steady stream of young people dealing with sin in their lives. I loved it on Friday when one of the testimonies put it this way, “I have unbelievable joy in my heart now.”
One young man talked to me after the Tuesday message. God was dealing with him about some failure in his life related to the message. Later in the week other issues began to surface and he began to take Biblical steps to deal with sin issues in his life. On Friday evening he threw several things in the fire about which God had convicted him.
On Saturday after the meeting. I was sitting in my truck getting ready to leave, when the man working with the leaves came up to my truck. He began to tell me that his daughter had attended a couple of the evening rallies. (I remembered her giving her testimony the night before.) God was dealing with him. The teenage daughter came up and as she related her forgiving those who had wronged her, I made the statement, “Hurting people hurt people.” Her dad then told me he had an anger problem. I was thrilled to be able to give him some Bible help and encourage him to get to his church and talk to his pastor.
Two young ladies did not respond to the invitation on Thursday, but made their way to one of the young ladies on our team. They told her about all the sin they had in their lives and a plan was given to deal with it Scripturally. They both gave testimonies on Friday and threw things into the fire.
Another young man responded late in the week and talked to his team captain about sin in his life that was causing him to live defeated. He also knew that God had called him to preach, but he did not want to go public because of his defeated life. The team captain challenged him to put God’s Word in his heart as well as stop trusting his efforts and depend on the Lord for the strength and victory.
There were about an hour of testimonies at the campfire service. Many dealt with hidden sin and bitterness. Several items were thrown in the fire this week. There were DVDs, CDs, cigarettes among other things that were thrown into the fire on Friday night. The week was an encouragement and the teens were a blessing with which to work.