Special Forces | West Seneca, NY | September 22-27, 2019

Jim Van GelderenSpecial Forces Updates

Pastor Dana Cline and I were hall leaders in the same dormitory at our Christian college. I always love being with my classmates who are faithfully serving the Lord. His assistant, Josh Sexton, is the son of another classmate, Doug Sexton. Wow! Time flies!

The Lord worked and although it was a battle (like it is every week), there were some thrilling break-throughs in lives.

One young lady in the Christian school talked with Hannah about bitterness. She accessed God’s grace to forgive the person who had hurt her. There was freedom on her face because she had let go of all the hurt that she was holding on to!

One young man in the Christian school responded after split session on Friday afternoon. He admitted that he had been too scared to get up during the invitation on Friday morning. He gave a testimony on Friday night:

“…he asked everyone to stand up, and I didn’t because I was afraid of what other people would think about me. And so later that day, I felt terrible…so I went to Hunter and he helped me. And now, I have a 100% relationship with [God], and I’m not in control in my life.”

One young man grew up in church, but came to the rally night on Thursday and was convicted about his need for salvation! He also responded after chapel on Friday. He knew that there was a lot in his life that he needed to get right. Josh, the Seal team captain, went through the battle plan with him. He wrote a letter to his mom to get right about things, and their relationship was repaired.

Below are some of the testimonies that were shared at the campfire:

“…Just on the first day this Wednesday, I was saved…Ever since, I haven’t had a problem dealing with anyone in school. The past two years or even more, I’ve been worrying what people think about what I do, about what I like…but now I just have more confidence in who I am and…I’m letting God let me think that!”

“So I’m going to tell you that a lot of times what we see as Christianity is not cool; it’s absolutely not cool because everyone around us is like, ‘oh that’s just depending on Someone you can’t see. Why would you just believe in Someone you can’t see?’…God is always there…I’ve been struggling for awhile with the decision: should I be a pastor or not? In my heart, I feel like I should be a missionary…but I’m always afraid of what people would think of me when I say things to them…What if I fail and not save them, but it’s not me who’s doing the saving. It’s God Who is saving them, not me.”

“So I got saved last year around this time, and I never really gave Christ full 100% because I didn’t know—I didn’t think of it like that. I had just…been going through…some terrible things in my life, and until this week, I did not know that I could forgive…This week, I made the decision since Christ was able to forgive me for my sins…that I could forgive.”

“Well I’ve been through a lot through my life, my whole life…and I just want to say that trust is a big issue…when you can’t put your trust in others—your family, your friends, God is always there. He is a trusting, loving Father that…He is there for you.”

About the Author

Jim Van Gelderen

Dr. Jim Van Gelderen is president of Minutemen Ministries, vice-president of Baptist College of Ministry, and evangelist out of Falls Baptist Church. He and his wife, Rhonda, travel the country in evangelism. They have three daughters.