Special Forces – Wilton, NY

Jim Van GelderenSpecial Forces Updates

Pastor Jason Betts, the youth pastor at Wilton Baptist Church, was a Christian school student in Easley, SC years ago. It was a joy to work with him at a church and school at which we have never been before. We were encouraged with what the Lord is doing there in upstate New York. We enjoyed working as well with Pastor Harness and his people. We look forward to the next time!

One young man who was invited to the evening rallies had a Catholic background. He responded to the invitation as God was working in His heart. It seemed to be the first time he had ever heard the gospel, but he placed his dependence on Christ that night. Praise the Lord for his salvation!

During the invitation after Thursday chapel, one of the young ladies responded and admitted to struggling with bitterness. She was able to get free and gave a testimony on Friday night:

“This week God showed me that I was carrying a lot of bitterness towards somebody in my life. And so I just talked to that person and got it right with them, and I’ve felt a lot better and a lot closer to that person.”

Two young men allowed God to work in their hearts about sin that they were hiding from their parents. They gave testimonies on Friday night:

“God talked to me this week about hiding things a long time from my parents and people I trusted. And this week, I got it right with my parents and talked to them on Thursday afternoon. And there was a peace that filled me that I hadn’t felt for a very long time…”

“For a long time, my relationship with my parents has been on and off.  And God burdened my heart this week and on Thursday, I made a decision to get right with my parents. And I had a conversation with them and I’m just really glad that God gave me the burden to do so.”

Below are a couple of other testimonies that were a blessing:

“God taught me this week that I need to trust Him more and stop relying on myself.”

“I’d like to thank War of Special Forces for coming out this week and helping out. And you can see their burden for teenagers up here. And before they came here, I really didn’t worry for souls as much as I really should. And one night, he preached a message and the Lord burdened my heart that I need to go soulwinning more, and [start] caring about other people more, because hell is a lot hotter than a campfire. And I need to start worrying about that and go outside and tell people about Christ, and reignite my love for God by improving my devotions every day.”

Praise the Lord for what He did this week!

About the Author

Jim Van Gelderen

Dr. Jim Van Gelderen is president of Minutemen Ministries, vice-president of Baptist College of Ministry, and evangelist out of Falls Baptist Church. He and his wife, Rhonda, travel the country in evangelism. They have three daughters.