The purchase date is coming upon us! Two burdens we have are these. We still need a good amount of funds to go towards a down payment. The other need has not been highlighted, but may be a more practical help. If we had 15-20 churches support the Headquarters project on a monthly basis, it would provide an income stream that would make the purchase easily workable and possibly diminish the down payment total. We will be able to rent some of the building that will provide some income as well. Please pray in these final days as the purchase date approaches. It would be great to hear of several churches that would be willing to support the Headquarters project this way. The purchase date of May 15th has been moved back until May 21st. The rezoning is finalized on May 20th in the evening. Since the planning commission voted for rezoning unanimously, it is standard procedure for the village board to follow suit. In the next days after that, the purchase would be finalized. Stay tuned!
UPDATE: Minutemen Headquarters