War of Special Forces | Martinsville, IN | August 18-23, 2024

Jim Van GelderenSpecial Forces UpdatesLeave a Comment

This was the second time the Minutemen Evangelistic Team had the opportunity to come to Martinsville Baptist Tabernacle and Tabernacle Christian School in Martinsville, IN. My son in law, Judson, and my daughter, Janna Faith, work with the youth here now. It was a blessing to work with them and the Foersters, who were the youth directors when the team came three years ago. The week definitely was a battle, but it was neat to see the Lord win battles in lives!

A young man responded to the invitation on Wednesday and came with a deep sense of guilt. As Alex, the Ranger team captain, began to counsel him, he realized the young man was not saved. He had believed about God his whole life, but never made the decision to trust Him as his personal Savior. The young man bowed his head and prayed, “Jesus, I love you so much. Thank you! And now I know what you’ve done for me and that I can go to heaven.”

On Tuesday afternoon, the Seal team recruited at a youth center and got several great contacts. A teen girl and boy came the following evening. They were all in! Both responded to the gospel invitation. Nathan, the Seal team captain, was able to lead the young man to the Lord and Annaleese, the Seals co-captain, was able to help the young girl find assurance of her salvation.

On Friday, an eighth grade boy responded to the chapel invitation burdened about his bitterness. After talking with Alex, he was able to forgive his sister. He turned to Alex and said, “I haven’t felt this joy and peace since the time I got salvation.” 

A young man responded on Wednesday to the invitation with tears burdened about his hidden sin. He was scared to get right with the school because he knew what the consequences could be. Jeremiah, the Marine team captain, went with him to the principal. The school had mercy and helped him get accountable. He talked with his mom after school and was so excited to finally be honest and free. On Friday during the guy’s split session, he asked to give a testimony and challenged his peers to follow God like he had this week. He also testified at the campfire on Friday night:

“I walked into Mr. Roll’s office…told him everything I’ve been doing, everything I’ve been watching…I saw God’s grace in Mr. Roll’s office. I went home …told my mom…She knew I was doing everything, and she forgave me. But as a freshman if I can get victory in my life, you guys can too…I wanna take a stand in the school. I’m done laughing at dirty jokes, done watching dirty things, and I’m taking a stand and I’m not going back.”

There was a young lady that seemed to be hardened towards the preaching and competitions most of the week. Carissa, the Marine co-captain, had seen her and been burdened for her. On Friday night after hearing her peers get up and testify at the camp fire, she responded to the invitation and began to share struggles with Carissa. She realized she was first in need of trusting the Lord in salvation. She prayed, “Thank You that You saved me and I’m placing all my dependence on You right now.” She was beaming when she looked up.

A girl on the Ranger team, who seemed very disinterested the day before, was sitting by herself in the back of the split session on Friday refusing to do the prayer time. Sydney, the Ranger co-captain approached and confronted her. She casually said that she wanted to do it on her own time. A few minutes later, she got up and asked to talk to Sydney. She began to open up about some hidden sin, but was not ready to get open and honest. That night, she responded to the invitation. She was convicted and she knew she needed to confess her sin to someone. She willingly went with Sydney to a teacher who promised to keep her accountable to tell her mom.

Below are some other testimonies from this week:

“For the longest time I had a hard time trusting God. Especially when my parents divorced and I got really depressed and suicidal and started to self-harm and I found a lot of comfort in things that were not godly and really unholy. This week has taught me that I can always go to the Lord, that He will never judge me and will be by me and I can find more comfort in Him than anything of this world.”

“I used to have an addiction to video games. I would play for 10 or 12 hours a day and I just wouldn’t leave my room or I wouldn’t do anything at all. God helped me through that…I’m so glad I’m done with playing video games…I’m so glad.”

“I felt like whenever he was calling people up to give testimonies, I was feeling like my heart was being tugged to come give one. But I didn’t want to come because I just felt like…who am I just a little 7th grader…. I’ve been hypocritical to so many people about having a mask with people…around people…I want to take the mask off and follow Jesus and only care about His opinions.”

About the Author

Jim Van Gelderen

Dr. Jim Van Gelderen is president of Minutemen Ministries, vice-president of Baptist College of Ministry, and evangelist out of Falls Baptist Church. He and his wife, Rhonda, travel the country in evangelism. They have three daughters.

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