This is the third time the team has been to this church and Christian school. Each time the team has been encouraged with all the Lord has done. This time the teens were ready to go and there was enthusiasm from the start.
As the week progressed the Lord broke through in many lives and the testimonies were thrilling. One young man gave testimony of going to Walmart that very day and confessing theft to the manager of the store. He related that when he walked out of the store, there was such joy in his heart. Another theme of this testimony time was the “mercy” God gave when the teens confessed their sin and took steps to forsake it (Proverbs 28:13). Another thing that marked this week was the books that were thrown in the fire. About three or four were books from the “Twilight” series.
The team left Arizona and the beautiful desert scenary with joy in our hearts that God’s grace had once more been appropriated by many young people. One never tires of hearing teens tell of the joy God gives when they “trust and obey.”