This is the first time the team has been to Long Beach, CA. The school and staff were great folks. Before the rallies had begun, the team had opportunities to preach the Gospel at several Bible clubs at area public schools. There were several saved in those times.
The students in the Christian school really got into their team and the competition. There was a lot of enthusiasm about the War of Special Forces. God began to move and students began to respond to the invitations. It was on Friday where things began to break loose. That morning, I challenged those who had responded to the Lord to be willing to give a testimony on Friday night if the Lord led. I challenged them that the Lord would use their testimonies to impact others. Friday evening when we opened the microphone for testimonies, those who had gotten things right with the Lord began to give powerful testimonies. Later I noticed that the testimonies were from those who were at that moment getting things right. The earlier testimonies had been used of the Lord to really convict some of those holding out. It was wonderful to see the tears and hear the broken words as young person after young person related of dealing with bitterness and other sins. The greatest blessing is to witness the joy as teens experience the reality of God working in their lives.
Afterwards some of the young people burned some things they had brought that displeased the Lord. One young lady burned a bag of immodest clothes. A few other things were thrown in as well. A few more testimonies were given out at the fire. It was great to see the Lord move so powerfully.
One young man really had to deal with some major sin issues in his life. After getting through to the victory side, he texted his team captain these words, “I love God!! More than ever! I can actually feel him working in my life!” That is God’s grace at work. It was a thrilling week!